Project : Design for JAM-HYUN Elementary school father’s community
Designer : Sooyoung Park
Designer : Sooyoung Park
서울 잠현 초등학교 아버지회를 위한 브랜드 디자인 프로젝트로 아이를 안고 동시에 무등 태우고 있는 아버지 픽토그램의 항공샷 이미지를 모티브로 심벌을 디자인하였다.
Brand design project for father’s community.
Designed symbol inspired from air view of a pictogram father shape holding and carrying a kid on his shoulder at the same time.
Designed symbol inspired from air view of a pictogram father shape holding and carrying a kid on his shoulder at the same time.

Football team symbol & uniform design